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Hannah Wadsworth | Middle School Book Life

My Top 5 Picks for Your Middle School Classroom Library

Dear Reader,

Of the 64 middle grade and young adult books I have read in 2023 (so far), I selected 23 of the best ones to feature in this newsletter. Now I'm taking it a step further: here are the 5 books that are absolute must-haves for your middle school classroom library. Don't worry high school teachers—your curated list is coming next week.

Without further ado, 5 books to add to your classroom library...

Hands by Torrey Maldonado: Your secret weapon for engaging reluctant readers. 136 pages of relevance.

Nic Blake and the Remarkables: The Manifestor Prophecy by Angie Thomas: A wonderfully creative fantasy world that tackles racism and features a Black girl as its hero.

Door of No Return by Kwame Alexander: A heartbreaking but human-first narrative of the horrors of the international slave trade.

Sir Callie and the Champions of Helston by Esme Symes-Smith: For helping students understand non-binary identities while also treating them to a magical world.

Aniana Del Mar Jumps In by Jasminne Mendez: For representing all of our resilient students who seek to thrive despite chronic illness.

Have your students read and loved any of these books yet? I'd love to hear what they think—and which ones you're hoping to add!

Have a good one and learn everything you can,


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Hannah Wadsworth | Middle School Book Life

Welcome to the Middle School Book Life newsletter. Every other week, you'll receive a deep dive into one middle grade or young adult novel that belongs in your classroom library. Subscribe and I'll help you curate the best books for your students.

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